Friday, December 12, 2008

My Life be like...whoaa.

Okay so life with me has been kinda crazy.. at least this last term @ WOU has. Yea.. I'm not kidding. Basically, to get you updated on what's been going on.. Let me start with what happened in August. I got a phone call from my mom saying that she went to a yearly check-up and the doctor's found that she had Endometrial Cancer. Crazy. I freaked.. like any normal person would. Then we found out that she didn't need to go through chemotherapy [which is a definite blessing]. The doctor's scheduled her surgery on September 19th. The surgery went well and the doctors felt they had got all the cancer. Unfortunately, the hospital that she was at... sent her home too early. [She had surgery Friday night and was sent home Sunday afternoon.] Anyway... about a month later she went to the ER and discovered that she had 2 abscesses in her lower abdomen. She was rushed from Eastern Oregon by Ambulance to Portland. [it was that serious]. She stayed in that hospital for 19 very long days. All through this I was going to school at Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Oregon. I went to school, worked at a daycare in Keizer, Oregon and traveled back and forth between work, school and the hospital to stay with my mom. The word 'crazy' just doesn't seem adaquate enough to describe how my life felt. I thought life was going to iron out.... I had yet to know what was just around the corner.

All through this term I had been living in Salem, Oregon with my best friend Emily. She was going to a beauty school in Salem and I was travelling to Monmouth to go to WOU. I thought everything was going along good between the two of us. We never had a fight or argued about anything really. Randomly, one day she tells me that she's wanting to move back home. She said that she was lonely, and didn't like living in Salem. I knew that she was lonely because I hadn't been at the apartment much with everything else that was going on, but I had no idea that she would just quit on everything. That weekend, she went back home and said she was going to be back Thursday to chat. Well, she didn't show up Thursday but instead she texted me saying she was going to come Friday and move all her stuff out. That was probably a week and a half from when she origionally said she was going to move out. I had no furniture to speak of including: 2 chairs, a table, a TV, my bedroom set, 4 cups, 4 plates & only 4 bowels. I had nothing else. So when her parents and her took all her stuff that weekend I came back to the apartment and moved the table and chairs to the living room and watched TV [which was on the floor]. Most of my dinners was either cold cereal or pb&j sandwiches; since I didn't have any cooking utincils or a microwave. Life really sucked right about then.. it was really hard because I had no one to talk to. I had work and school and then I would come home to an empty apartment. I got really lonely. I've never experienced the loneliness that I felt those couple of weeks. Anyway.. the next weekend I went home to hangout with my family in Eastern Oregon and my mom suggested that we call WOU to see if I could get into the dorms. Thankfully, they had a room available! That's when my life started to change for the better. I got to move into the dorms around the second week of November and lived there the week before Thanksgiving. I now have 3 roommates and they are pretty cool. They each have their own way of dealing with issues and school work. So they are each interesting and unique. Michelle, Kelly and Lorelei are they're names. :D

Now that the term is over and finals are all finished, I feel so relieved. My mom is back home and recovering and she seems to be getting more strength each day. I'm so thankful that God kept her alive! I don't know where I'd be without her or my dad & brother. They're so supportive and amazing. I am really looking forward to Christmas and my break from school. I hope this wasn't too boring of a blog.. it's kinda my first one. I'm sure there will be more to come! Talk to you all later!
