Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! My summer has been really awesome so far! And I have so much more to look forwards to. I am truly thankful...No joke. Lately I've been trying to help my parents work on a house they own in Rainier to get it ready for either selling or changing it into a business of some sort. We've been workin on that house for about a month now.
With us being in Rainier so much, we actually got to be there when Rainier Days in the Park happened. It was so much fun with Kory, Kirk, Kyle, Kraig, Michaela and Cody coming over to go on the rides. We went on the Ring of Fire, the Ferris Wheel, and the Gravatron. It was a lot of fun. I was a little bummed that they didn't have the Octopus ride but I got over it. When we rode the Ferris Wheel, God timed so perfectly for us to be there when the fireworks started. So we got to see most of the show from the ferris wheel. it was definitely a one in a lifetime experience!
Then last weekend I got to see Meca! And I got to make a few new friends. We went to Seaside and spent some time at the beach and walked through the shops. It was a fun time.
Next week is the main reason why I'm extremely excited. Either Thursday or Friday my parents, my brother and I are going to be going on a cruise to Alaska. My parent's 25th anniversary was last year and they've really wanted to go on a cruise again and wanted my brother and I to go along with them. I've never been on a cruise and I have to be honest... I'm really looking forward to it! I'm know for a fact that I will definitely be taking oodles of pictures! [since I love photography & all] lol. After the cruise we're staying a little longer in Alaska to visit my dad's side of the family since both my brother and I have never met our cousins because they live so far away.
I am really grateful for all my experiences God's brought my way. It's been a cool learning time and just letting him bless me. There have been some times that I didn't know what was going on or what I was going to do to resolve some problems. As always God had it all figured out from the beginning.